Analysis Selling

Weekly Domain Name Sales Summary Nov 21 – 27, 2018

We report here NameBio listed domain name sales for the 7 day period Nov 21 to Nov 27, 2018 inclusive.

During the past week the number of sales per day ranged from 175 to 235. There were 200 or more sales on only 3 days in the reporting period. 

The highest average daily price was $597. The lowest average daily sale price was $443. 

The median daily sale price, a better measure of prices an individual investor is likely to encounter, ranged from $213 to $291.

The number of daily sales above $1000 ranged from 13 to 35. There were 20 or more sales above the $1000 level on only 3 of the 7 days in the reporting period.

My favourite names from week included daily (io), domain (world), InsideWallStreet (com), mind (ly), PetSide (com), PureCoin (com), tv (io), and venture (world).

My personal favourite names from this week include audib(ly), BeerFarm (com), bingo (to), daily (io), dasInternet (de), domain (chat), domain (world), GreenHope (com), HouseOfDebt (org), InsideWallStreet (com), mind (ly), organise (org), PetSide (com), PureCoin (com), ShortCode (com), tv (io), venture (world),  WellConnected (net) and WorldHelp (com).

Daily Summaries

Nov 21, 2018

215 sales, $515 average, $224 median, 24 sales >$1k.  Names noted: HentaiHaven, naughty, EAA (net); FaceCam, DNSwizard, zdaily, PureCoin, FamilyMediation, VIPevent, TheLoanFactory (com); domain (world); bingo (to). ShortHairStyles (com) falls out of domain style!).

Nov 22, 2018

235 sales, $580 average, $220 median, 23 sales >$1k. Noted: HRC (io); CFY (net); HouseOfDebt (org); saho, millimeter, NorthernHealth, AlwaysFree, MyHomeFinder (com); AmbientDirect (nl); audib(ly); win, venture (world).

Nov 23, 2018

180 sales, $555 average, $291 median, 19 sales >$1k. Names I noticed: harmful, BeerFarm, AmbiBox, RockMatrix, TeamLand, YellowBrix, TheShipyards, WorldOfStock (com); warts (org); dasInternet (de); prelaunch (io).

Nov 24, 2018

199 sales, $443 average, $213 median,13 sales >$1k. Noted: PetSide, TheFappening, 1AAA, InsideWallStreet, MyWardrobe, GamblingLaw, TrafficTime, FastTools (com); daily (io); tv, it (to); BSV (org); mind (ly). TradeOuts huge drop! 

Nov 25, 2018

175 sales, $529 average, $249 median, 17 sales >$1k. Names I noticed: subarctic, CharterYacht, MoneyMoney, LuxuryBuyers, WorldHelp, WinterSale (+s), GreenHope (com); domain (chat); videos (to); USAprojects  (org). Dot24 (com) takes big tumble.

Nov 26, 2018

197 sales, $532 average, $240 median, 19 sales >$1k. Names noted – kinship (co); 0236, adcade, yats, PricePicks, BridgeCity, SpainMansion, GreatRewards, FreeIt (com); 999000 (cc); starwars (io); organise, BluebookArchive (org). 

Nov 27, 2018

240 sales, $597 average, $263 median, 35 sales >$1k. Nice names include bipartisan, curative, pinless, ScoreReport, ShortCode, GoldTrading, TotalAesthetics, PatriotClub, TheWallets (com); WellConnected (net); LaserOntharing (nl) {hair removal}.


By several measures this was a relatively slow week in domain name sales. Nevertheless a number of interesting and creative names sold.

This was a relatively slow week with 20 or more sales above $1000 on only 3 of the 7 days. The median price tracked from $213 to $291 during the week.

In the daily reports I kept the information as reflected in that daily report. Some sales are added to the database after the deadline and therefore do not appear.  

Keep in mind that only certain venues report sales to NameBio.  These venues represent a mix of wholesale (domain investor to domain investor) and retail (domain investor to end user) sales.

I urge you to read the full Daily Market Reports at NameBio. I would like to thank Michael and others at NameBio that make this valuable database freely available to the domain community.

Should you want to get my reflections on the NameBio reported sales on a daily basis follow me on Twitter @AGreatDomain.  In case  you missed the preceding weekly report it is here. I will do another summary here in about a week’s time.

About the author

Bob Hawkes

Domain analyst and commentator with particular interests in quantitative analysis, new uses for domain names, nontraditional end users, and bridging the gap between the domain community and end users. Background in science, research, education, outreach and communications, as well as almost two decades running a small home-based business. My first domain name acquisition was 2001. I hold a modest domain portfolio with legacy, country code and new extensions. Based in western Canada, but my domain outlook is global! My goal is to provide fresh insights and an evidence-based balanced outlook on the domain industry.

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