
Domain Sales Report (under $2k)

There are lots of small but significant sales that are going on every day.   Many of the sales I noted below are domainer to business transactions and are unconfirmed.   Take a look at reported sales over the last 30 days that I accumulated from members that posted in the NP ‘Report Domain Name Salesthread:

.com sales
CarbonBlue $500
PortVilaVanuatu $500
NextLevelSolutions $500
Duschgel $550
DirectToRetail.com $650
H1N1VaccineDangers $700
BlackSmithVideos $750
ServiceMailers $750
Optivel $750
BuySalvia $795
Hazardous-Materials $999
QualityClicks $1000
Csip $1100
WeLoveTourists $1200
UsedFoundry $1500
TechnologyConsultingServices $1500
DNinvestor $1800

.net sales
EnglishLearning $300
CourierSoftware $600
Consumibles $995

.org sales
Stairlifts $1260

*Feel free to use this post to report your recent domain sales under $2k

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