I just received an email regarding the launch of the first ever Domain Boot Camp which will be led by Steve Jones and Sharon Hayes co-founders of Domainate and Doma.in. The Boot Camp takes place this May 5th and 6th in San Diego, California. Early bird pricing is available through March 30th and April 20th.
Below is the release I received via email:
Domain Boot Camp to Provide Years of Domain Training to Beginners Through Live Two-Day Workshop
The domain industry is baffling to most of those looking to enter it, with many closely guarded secrets that are never shared. Because of that, few people are able to reach their long term goals in the domain industry despite there being enormous success enjoyed by some domain professionals.
Domain sales and service company Domainate intends to change that through their intensive live 2-day training workshop, Domain Boot Camp, led by Domainate CEO Sharon Hayes and COO Steve Jones.
“Many people try their hand at domains and fail,” said Hayes, a 16-year veteran of the domain industry. “Sifting through information and making contacts is the current way most people learn. Unfortunately, the most valuable information is often kept behind closed doors, only learned through years of trial and error.”
Even domain industry events can leave something to be desired for a domain beginner. “The industry events out there do allow someone new to meet many domain professionals from around the world, which is indeed a valuable experience,” said Jones. “They rarely however do more than give you a glimpse of the domain industry. A domain beginner attending those events wouldn’t be prepared to hit the ground running.”
Domain Boot Camp intends to solve this problem by covering in extensive detail topics such as:
• Domain Research
• Domain Valuation
• Negotiation
• Brokering
• Monetization and Development
• Domain Sales
“The key to why our training works is that we cover every facet of getting involved with domain names,” said Hayes. “In 2 days, they experience what would take many years to learn through trial and error on their own.”
The Domain Boot Camp workshop is suitable for:
• New domain investors
• Intermediate domain investors
• Advanced domain investors
• Internet entrepreneurs
• Affiliate marketers
• Corporate brand managers
• Publishers
• Advertisers
The next Domain Boot Camp will be held in San Diego May 5th-6th with a special pre-workshop session on how domain investors, developers and marketers can better take advantage of social media to increase the value of their domains and web properties, led by Sharon Hayes.
Early bird discounts of up to 33% off are being offered to attendees registering in advance. To keep the focus on quality training, a limited number of sponsorship opportunities will be available.
“We’re always looking forward to turning many more entrepreneurs into seasoned domain experts through our workshops,” Hayes said. “Helping new people experience our passion and success with domains also helps the industry grow and flourish.”
About Domainate
Domainate helps businesses, organizations and entrepreneurs establish and enhance their online presence through quality domain names. Services include branding and rebranding, acquisition, consultation, research and recovery as well as training and wholesale domain sales offered through Doma.in and domain registration offered through ComEtc.com.
Sharon Hayes, CEO and Co-Founder of Domainate, is a serial entrepreneur who has worked in B2B marketing online since the early 90’s. Having been in the domain industry for over 15 years, she has personally sold over 12,000 domains. Sharon is currently considered one of the most influential people in business in social media according to Huffington Post.
Steve Jones, COO and Co-Founder of Domainate, is an entrepreneur who has been involved with domains since 2004 and has worked exclusively with domains for the last 4 years. Notable sales include Poker.in, the record for highest public .in domain sale, and SixDegrees.org, bought by Kevin Bacon who then co-founded the charity Six Degrees.
[email protected]
PO Box 721804
San Diego, CA 92172
Ph: +1.858-240-2770
Thanks for sharing this Mike. If any of your readers have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us. We’re really looking forward to making this a special event for all involved.
You’re welcome Steve. Best of luck with the event, it looks like a winner!
Thanks Mike! You rock!