Jamie Zoch, founder of DotWeekly.com is now publishing his “Domain Movers’ series on...
#FF A Few to Follow in the #DomainIndustry on Twitter
I’ve had @NameTalent twitter handle since 2009 when we launched. I’ve never paid for a...
360.com Sells for $17 Million – Poll: Will 360.com be...
Two monster sales to start out the year – Rick Schwartz sold Porno.com for $8,888,888. Also...
Heritage Auctions Ending Today, 9 Names With Reserve Met So Far...
Heritage Auctions domain auction ends today and at of the time of this posting there are several...
Verisign Celebrates .COM’s 30th Anniversary with...
This is pretty cool. Verisign is giving away $100,000 in cash prizes in the next three months for...